Transportation Concept by Dong Ruifeng

Transportation Concept by Dong Ruifeng, the leading industrial designer in China. This thick book contain many sketches from him. You can buy this book and learn how he sketch. If you want to buy, visit Second floor, Borders Ikano, Damansara

Top Sketches

This is another book about sketches. In this book contain sketches from european designers. Maybe we can learn how they sketch and delivering the ideas from scratch. You can find this book at Second floor, Borders Ikano, Damansara.

Autodesk Alias Sketch 2011

This sketch software will come out soon.Check this out. Maybe some new features for sketching. What ever software that u use, u must master manual sketch first. :)

Car Styling - Japanese magazine

Another alternative for those who like car design. You can get this one at Kinokuniya, KLCC in Japanese magazine section. Thanks for the info Chan.

Basic Sketching and rendering technique

Do u have basic sketching? If you dont have, this book is suitable for you and designers around Malaysia. This book is not so expensive compare the knowledge that u get.Only RM 50 and you will find more about sketching. You can buy this book online or visit any big bookstore near you in Malaysia. If you want to buy online, just visit this website. Penerbit Buku Press

Industrial design book

This is new book about industrial design. Only available in Malay language. In this book, you can learn a lot about industrial design including automotive design. If you interested in this field, try to read and find out more. You can find this book at any bookstore near you or just contacting the authors in Department of Industrial Design, FRSB, Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Auto & Design magazine in Malaysia

I really like this magazine. This is not kind of typical car magazine but this magazine is focus on car design. If you interested in car design you can find this second hand magazine around Amcop Mall, Petaling Jaya. This magazine is very limited and maybe you can ask salesperson for this mag.. :) In my opinion, design books and magazine is not adequate. Industrial designers is very small community in Malaysia. To find something that can be call tutorial is very hard.

Sketch manual or digital

Sketch using pencil or pen (manual sketch) is easy compare to digital sketch using tablet and computer. You have to practice more in digital sketching. If you dont have basic in sketch, you have to try sketch using pencil first and master using it. After that try using pen and more advance you can use tablet to sketch. :)

Alias Sketchbook Pro for digital sketch

Alias Sketchbook Pro 2010 for those who like sketch digital using computer. This software is suitable for sketch and it is use widely by designers.

Ipad for sketch

I think all of you know this device. this is call Ipad and this device is very fantastic. This device will come to Malaysia very soon maybe next month. This is like iphone but it is bigger and faster than iphone. You can touch all around the screen and can flip horizontal or vertical. And the amazing thing that you can use this tool to sketch. I think this devise is expensive and the price tag around rm 2000.