cross tattoo designs

  Out of all my cross tattoo designs this is deff my fav, this tattoo is just beautiful, one of my all time fav tattoos, just stunning !



Cross Tattoo Designs

Cross Tattoo Designs, Tattoos of Cross, Cross Tattoo Designs was all I was lookin at in a tattoo magazine the other day. I kinda like tattoos of crosses as I am kinda superstitious and regard the cross as a symbol of both luck and protection which is why I wear 2 of them around my neck. I always hated it when I lied to my Old Gran and she used to say " Cross yer heart and hope to die if ya tell a lie". I never did cross my heart, twas too scared to take the chance, my Old Gran was a cruel old bag.

Anyways tis sunny in Belfast today which is typical, damn crappy day on a Sunday when yer off and a sunny day wen ya go back to work. Ok enough of my weather ramblings, today I am bringing ya 14 great pics of Cross Tattoo Designs and of course that lil video at the end of tattoos of crosses.

I hope you find a cross tattoo in here that ya like, anyways I am off to eat my lunch which is a crappy Pot Noodle, do they have Pot Noodles in yer country, do ya even know wat a Pot Noodle is, anyways enjoy the Cross Tattoo Designs.

Gotta say I enjoyed writin this cross tattoo designs blog and I was looking for a really good lil cross tattoo designs video. But hey I found 2 cracking cross tattoo designs videos and as I coudn't decide which was the best I have decided to put them both up so make sure ya look at them ya buggers cause it took me ages finding ya them.

Right I gotta go, drinking all that tea has me busting for a pee and I really don't fancy sitting in work this afternoon smellin like an old tramp. I hope ya found a cross tattoo that ya liked and hey if ya liked moi blog rate it up, stumble it, share it and leave me a lovely lil message and kiss, not you guys ok, like get real will ya.