tatto dayak

In addition to the long ears, the other is the tradition of the Dayak tattoo. Dayak women aged over 40 years the average has tattoos all over his arms and legs. For women, the presence of tattoos on their bodies showed they were members of noble families. Dayak Kenyah people, Bahau, Iban and Kayan have tattoos, while the other Dayak groups do not follow this practice. Motives for women Kenyah include dog chains, the motives of the war, the horns of the animal in the arms and thighs, draft circular motifs in the calf or ankle. Tattoos on Dayak Kenyah tribe is a sign of maturity, while for men the tattoo is a sign that they had explored the land and has done something extraordinary, such as killing an enemy in battle. Both tattoos on both men and women, traditionally made ​​using orange spines long and then gradually using multiple needles at once. That has not changed is the tattoo materials that typically use soot from the pot black. This is what makes Dayak tattoo different from other tattoos that often use a variety of colors for beauty reasons.